Sunday, August 4, 2013

A day at the zoo...and a bit more on copper

Today was the day we decided to go to the Zoologico Nacional, or the Chilean National Zoo in Santiago.  It is an interesting setting as it is built into the south side of the San Critobal Hill.  We've walked by it a number of times and read a bit about it.

It is a neat arrangement in that you walk through paths that snake part way up and down the hill, but it does need some maintenance work and exhibit improvements.  There were the usual - a couple elephants and giraffes, a hippo, three African lions, tiger, white tiger, and a most impressive jaguar.  The smell at the elephant exhibit and camel exhibit was strong, but that didn't stop the traffic at the food vendor across the path.

The area for the elephants was probably about the size of a basketball court if it were as wide as it is long.

As is often the case, the big animals get top billing, but the small animals steal the show.  The meerkats were very cool.  This guy kept watch for birds while the rest played.

This is the Jag.  I would have liked to have gotten a better look and the cage is a bit small.  Gosh though, era hermosa (she was beautiful).

This should give you some idea of the layout and the degree of incline.  These paths are kind of like switchbacks.  Some paved, others not.  There is also a rail car that takes you to the top where the Virgin Mary statue is for about 2000 pesos ($4 USD).

Now getting back to the pulsera de cobre.  One piece that I "forgot" to add is that I had a laser vein ablation done in my right leg about 3 weeks before leaving for Santiago.  Basically one of the veins in my right leg wasn't functioning correctly and blood would flow backward. Note this is in my leg, not cabeza! (head) The procedure is basically to insert a laser and burn out the vein...yes, I passed out. It often takes some time for the benefits to reflect and timing is about right to explain why my legs feel so much better.  Interesting in that only one leg had the procedure but both feel better.  So it is either that (thanks Doc!) or the pulsera de cobre. The pulseral de cobre makes for a better story but the procedure has more science behind it.  I'm still wearing the copper bracelet though for good measure.

end of post

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