Monday, October 21, 2013

Wheels Up!

The time has come to say goodbye to Chile and return to my family, who I've missed a great deal.  The Fulbright has been an adventure and I'm glad I received the opportunity to spend time in this great country and meet many new friends.  Thank you Fulbright! While culture and language may distinguish us, in the end we're all the same in that everyone is just trying to get by.  The purpose of the Fulbright is to build bridges, and I'd encourage everyone to build as they are able.  There are a lot of forces to the contrary, and together we can overcome them.

What to do on our last day in Chile?  Erin made a list a few days ago of everything we needed to do or see before we left, whether it was a visit to a place we haven't seen yet, such as the shops in Los Condes, to a place we've been many times such as Plaza de Armas.  We hadn't managed to go there when the cathedral was open, and as luck would have it, it was open on our final visit. (I'm happy to report that we hit everything on Erin's list)

 The inside is very ornate, and rivals cathedrals I've visited in Europe.

We also stopped by Parque Forestal, which kind of became our unofficial "go to" place to relax and go for a walk when we didn't really have any plans on where to walk to.  We managed to run into some friends to say goodbye to on our last stop.

Erin wanted to ride up the Funicular one last time and view Santiago from atop Cero San Cristobal. We were fortunate to have a day with good visibility and a beautiful panorama of the city. The forested area in the center right of the picture is Parque Forestal. Goodbye Chile, Santiago, and friends! LG, Ike, and Blueberry - we're coming home!! Wheels Up!!

end of post

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