Friday, September 20, 2013

Missing Things

There are lots of people and things you miss after being gone from home for a few months.  The people from home know I miss them, but there are also a lot of things from home that I miss too.  So this blog is simply "Missing Things" - things that I miss.

I miss Hudsonville chocolate ice cream.  People that know me know that chocolate milk shakes are an every day staple in my diet and they also know that I make the best chocolate shakes in the world bar none.  (I use secret ingredients...)

I miss the trees and water of Northern Michigan.

I miss peace and quite.  Santiago is never quiet.

I miss Lauri's cooking.

I miss going for a run in the woods.

I miss playing hoop with Ike and games with Seth and Seth's cooking.

I miss Lauri's cooking.

I miss 2% milk by the gallon.

I miss having space.

I miss my grill.

I miss cruising in the Mustang with the top down along Grand Traverse Bay and that cute blonde chick in the passenger seat.

I miss Lauri's cooking.

I miss drinking water straight from the tap.

After two months we've come to the point where we've seen most of Santiago - much of it multiple times.  Shortly, it will be a memory and there will be things that I will miss about Chile.

I will miss the Andes.

I will miss the wide variety of things you see in Chile - from meeting the President to seeing donkeys on the main drag in Santiago.  You can walk right up to La Moneda (the Presidential Palace) and you can walk up to donkeys three blocks away.

(okay, you don't see donkeys all that often...)

I will miss dogs in clothes (they are everywhere).

I will miss Peruvian Pisco Sours, even though I'm not someone that cares for mixed drinks.

 How do you make them?  Come here, we'll show you...dump in some from this jug, then dump in some from this other jug, put in a little of this stuff that comes out of a bottle, a dash of this stuff that comes from trees in the mountains of Peru where people just wear fur shorts and no shirts (I try not to think too much about that), blend it up...enjoy.  Nope, not likely to have the ingredients back in Michigan.

I will miss running Cerro San Cristobal.

I will miss that dive place that has the most awesome chicken.

I will miss going on 5 mile walks just looking for new discoveries.

I will miss being a foot taller than everyone.

I will miss the feeling you get when you see something new for the first time in a different part of the world.

Most of all I will miss the daily time I get to spend with Erin - often dragging her on one of those 5 mile walks - and her patiently correcting my malo español (bad Spanish) as we talk about our new discoveries.

end of post

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